by Fabienne | Apr 2, 2019 | CAKES, Gluten free, Muffins, SWEET
a A healthy treat It’s spring and summer is coming and the first berries are here, at least here in Spain. I’m a huge berry lover and always looking out for berry recipes. These vegan berry muffins with a cashew-date-caramel centre are – when...
by Fabienne | Apr 2, 2019 | Gluten free, Nut free, SAVOURY, Sides, Spreads, Sauces & Dips
Back off Mr. Potato In case South America hasn’t been on your travel radar yet odds are high that you don’t know what a “Patacon” is. These super yummy golden crispy chips are made of green plantains, also called “cooking bananas”...
by Fabienne | Mar 27, 2019 | Gluten free, SMOOTHIES, SWEET
The world famous combination… … of peanut butter and raspberries. So no wonder I had to make my own version of this popular PBJ thing. This is much healthier This super yummy PB & J Green Smoothie combines all that, the creaminess of the peanut butter,...
by Fabienne | Mar 21, 2019 | Burgers, Falafel, Sandwichs, Gluten free, SAVOURY
Crispy on the outside, moist on the inside This is the perfect recipe to use left-over veggies, or use the “not-so-pretty-and-fresh-anymore” veggies in your fridge in order to clean out before you go to the farmers market again next weekend. Make sure...
by Fabienne | Mar 8, 2019 | BREADS, Fillings, Gluten free
Last summer the basil in my garden was becoming so big, it was rather a bush, than a herb. So what do you do with a lot, and I mean a looooot of basil? Best option for too much basil is still making a pesto. And of course it had to be a vegan version of the pesto, not...
by Fabienne | Feb 28, 2019 | CAKES, Chocolate, Cookies, Gluten free, SWEET
These vegan chocolate chip cookies with bananas & hazelnuts have been such a pleasant surprise this morning. They are gooey, naturally sweet, soft on the inside and crunchy on the outside, everything you’d wish for when eating a cookie. Don’t know what...