chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana on black slate


I sounded like Janice from the TV sitcom “Friends” when I tried these Chocolate Cashew Date Caramel Slice with Banana for the first time. How can such a small twist make such a huge impact on the taste? These little banana slices just under the chocolate top are a real game changer.

chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana in one hand

The whole package

These chocolate cashew date caramel slices combine everything you want in a sweet treat. Chocolate, Banana, Caramel, there is really no need anymore here for Twix, Mars or Snickers. I have not used any refined sugar in this recipe, all the sweetness is coming from the dates and bananas and a few tablespoons of maple syrup in the base.

There are actual nutrients in this bomb

This can almost be called a healthy dessert, because these yummy bars are made with real foods. The base has oats (colesterol-lowering benefits), almonds (calcium, plantbased protein) and cacao powder (antioxidants). The caramel is made with dates (antioxidants, fiber) and cashews (zinc). And the top layer has again some cacao powder or it can also be made with regular dark chocolate (which is also a good iron source), melted with some tablespoons of water or coconut milk. Of course these foods have a lot more benefits than I mentioned, but I don’t want to make this post too long.

chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana on black slate

You only need one thing for this

This Chocolate Cashew Date Caramel Slice with Banana is really easy to make, but I have to admit you need one thing: a food processor. But if you’re looking into more plantbased eating, or you are already vegan I cannot recommend enough to invest in a good food processor. My cooking stepped up a level, once I finally bought one.

chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana on black slate

Perfect for food preparation

These slices can be kept in the freezer during several weeks without any problem. So whenever these sweet cravings hit you, you will always have something available. Or also when your friends come by or you have guests invited and have no time for preparing the dessert, you can just take it out of the freezer, easy-peasy! Enjoy!

Other yummy, indulging sweet-craving-pleasing recipes:



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Chocolate Cashew Date Caramel Slice with Banana (vegan, gf)
Love caramel slice? Then don’t miss this recipe for this amazing Chocolate Cashew Date Caramel Slice with Banana. So indulging, but still healthy as no refined sugar, nor oil is used. The perfect vegan dessert or snack when you’re craving something sweet.
chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana on black slate
Prep Time 30 minutes
For the Base
For the Cashew Date Caramel
For the Chocolate
Last but not least - and very important:
Prep Time 30 minutes
For the Base
For the Cashew Date Caramel
For the Chocolate
Last but not least - and very important:
chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana on black slate
For the Base
  1. Place all the Base ingredients in a food processor and mix until you get a crumbly texture. Add a little bit more water if it stays too dry.
  2. Then take it out and press it with your fingers into a baking tin. I used a 25 x 15 cm tin for my slices.
    chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana, base
  3. Leave it in the fridge while you make the date caramel and chocolate sauce.
For the Cashew Date Caramel
  1. Place all the ingredients in a food processor and mix well until you get a smooth, creamy caramel texture.
  2. Spread the caramel evenly on top of the oat-almond base.
    chocolate cashew-date-caramel slice with banana
  3. Slice the banana in rather fine slices and place them on top of the caramel. Leave in the fridge until your chocolate is ready.
For the Chocolate
  1. Melt all the ingredients in a small sauce pan.
  2. Let it cool down a bit, then pour over the bananas. Cover with a film and place the tin in the freezer.
  3. Let it set in the freezer for at least 1 hour before slicing it.
Recipe Notes

Regarding the chocolate: If you can't find cacao butter you can also melt a regular dark chocolate bar, ca. 150 gr with 1-2 tbsp of water or coconut milk and use this as the top layer.

These Chocolate Cashew Caramel Date Slices can be kept in the freezer for at least one month or more.

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